Sunday, May 25, 2008

A day in the YARD :)

The dogs wore themselves out (including baby Cooper) in the backyard playing, running, and chasing each other down...We got a few "candid" shots, but boy those had NO desire to hold still for ANY amount of time. They were on a mission :)

Cody, hanging out, literally :)

Best Friends, Sofia and Coders

Get that boy!!!!

Poor Cooper stepped in the water on the tarps behind him
Cassie, assessing her next move
Gorgeous dog

Molly, you do know that your tongue is sideways, right?

Pretty Cassie

Sofia, what a beauty

Molly looking regal


Trudy said...

Hi Rachel:
It is Trudy from AZ. I have Lilly and Daisey. I love that you started this blog, it is on my favorite links on my blog. I love these dogs so much! Lilly is such a joy to us! Someday when I want another one I will have to contact you.
Take care girlfriend!

Rachel said...

Thank you for your wonderful comment! I have fun with this blog :) It's fun to know there are other dachshund lovers out there reading this!